19 Before 2019


2018 Motto: Limitless / Limit – Less 

This year is full of endless possibilities & opportunities. 

This year, I will:

1. Create:

– Write everyday

– Devote more time to DIY’s

– Try a new recipe every month

2. Read:

– Read 1 book a month

– Listen to 1 audiobook a month

3. Have More ‘Me Time’:

– Meditate once a week

– Let people serve me (massages, pedicures, etc)

– Spa days monthly

4. Be More Positive:

– Work on seeing the upside

– Stop being my worst critic

5. Live a Cleaner Life:

– Try Whole 30

– Declutter Life

– Simplify

– Eat Healthier

6. Travel:

– Plan a trip with friends back home

– Travel outside of the country

– Travel by train

7. Work on Personal Growth 

– Take a course focused on personal growth

– Become an early riser

– Stress / Anxiety management

– Study mindfulness

8. Save Money:

– Monthly budgets

– Couponing

– No spend weekends, monthly

9. Unplug:

– Stop using electronics 30 mins before bed

– Spend less time on my phone

– Spend more time enjoying the outdoors

10. Blog:

– Start my blog

– Post twice a week

– Motivate others

11. Plan:

– Routines (workout, morning & evening)

– Productivity days

12. Quit:

– Quit my 9-5

– Quit staying up too late

– Quit sleeping in makeup

13. Invest in Myself:

– Equipment for blog

– Products I’ve been wanting to try

– DIY supplies

14. Explore the Arts

– Try new music

– Try a new medium

– Visit more galleries / museums

15. Try a New Hobby:

– Knitting; Cross-Stich

– Jewelry making

– Yoga

16. Open my Own Etsy:

– Sell furniture, decor, accessories, clothing etc

17. Meet New People:

– Befriend people with like interests

^ Online & in person

18. Explore Locally:

– Familiarize myself with the area

– Find local inspiration

19. Find/Pursue my Passion: 

– Explore my interests

– Take more risks

This year knows no limits, & neither do I. 

17 Things I Learned from 2017

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

1. Sometimes, less really is more.

This past year I spent a lot of time trying to simplify my life. I realized that my mind was often cluttered, which was a direct result from my life being too cluttered. I found myself holding on to items that I have not touched in years “just in case.” In 2017 I read the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I’m sure you’ve heard of it, if you haven’t I highly recommend. In the book, the author talks about the importance of keeping an item only if it brings you joy. After days of purging, I looked at my pile of donations. There were tons of bags & boxes full of things that simply no longer brought me joy. At first, I questioned myself – would I actually miss these items that I had finally decided to get rid of?  I quickly realized that once the items were gone, I could better appreciate the items that had brought me complete happiness. The clutter was gone & I could finally think freely.

2. Sometimes, more is more.

As much as 2017 taught me how easily we can clutter our lives & hold onto senseless items, it also taught me how important it is to surround yourself with things that actually do bring you happiness. Whether that be people, events, items or vibes. It is important to make sure that we really take time to appreciate these things. Sometimes it feels as though we spend too much time working & not enough time laughing. When I surround myself with people that I throughly enjoy, I feel more motivated & all around happier. It’s important to not take everything so seriously all the time & spend more time actually enjoying the things that make us happy.

3. At the End of the Day, the only Opinion that Matters is Your Own

I spent far too much time basing my decisions off of the opinions of others. There is nothing wrong with wanting to get someone else’s input on something but, it is important to not let that stop you from getting what it is that you really want. Everyone is going to have an opinion on what you’re doing, who you’re doing it with & how you’re doing. Frankly, it doesn’t matter. Take every bit of feed back to whatever extent you think necessary but, just know you’re the one that has to live with that decision. Not them.

4. Today is the Perfect Day to Chase Your Happiness

How many times have you decided that you want to do something, thought it through & told yourself that it may be the thing that brings you inner peace? How many times has that thought been followed by “I’ll start tomorrow.” How many times has tomorrow come & gone? Now, that’s a problem. I’m not saying that this should be taken to the extreme but, you can’t put what you want on the back burner just because it’s more convenient tomorrow. There is no better day than today to chase after your dreams.

5. You Can’t do it All, At Least not Alone

My biggest issue with 2017 was that I gave myself too many big goals & try to accomplish all of them at once. I knew I wanted it be a good year for me but, I pushed it. I spread myself too thin which caused me a ton a stress & not very much success. I was too prideful to ask for help, even though it was very obvious that I needed it. There is nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it.

6. Life is Short

Near the end of the year someone very close to me was diagnosed with cancer. At the risk of turning this post into a total downer – it needed to be addressed. Thankfully it was caught early & every thing is under control. The point of it being, it was a wake up call for me. You never know what life is going to throw at you. You never know how much time you have left here. It’s so important to chase after what makes you happy & take risks. Nothing worth having is easy. Life’s scary but that’s what keeps it exciting.

7. Your DNA is Pure Gold

We spend too much time envying other people for what they have, how they look & how their life appears to be. Bottom line, people show you what they want you to see. No one’s life is perfect, no one is perfect. On that note, you are the only you there is. It’s so important to take a step back & love yourself.

8. If it Doesn’t Feel Right, it Probably Isn’t

And if it doesn’t feel right, don’t force it. We can’t force something that feels uncomfortable to come naturally. That being said, do not be afraid to test the waters & do something out of your comfort zone.

9. There’s Nothing Wrong With Questioning What You Want

There’s nothing wrong with having a plan but, things change & life happens. You can’t be afraid to change it up or even completely abandon your plan. With time we better figure out what exactly it is that makes us happy & what we think we are really meant to be doing in this life. You’ll get there eventually take it day by day.

10. Me Time is Important

I think this is something that is overlooked by almost everyone. Life is stressful & honestly our mental health is something that is often place on the back burner. Isn’t that sad? While me time is extremely important it’s not necessarily something that you need to devote a whole day to. Start out small, once a week take a bubble bath & do a face mask. Drink a glass of wine & paint your nails. Listen to your favorite podcast or read a book.

11. Silence is Necessary

Personal reflection is something that is not only good for us but for our future. Life is chaotic & sometimes we just need to take a minute & reflect on where we are, how we got here & what we need to do to get where we wanna be. Silence can be scary but it is necessary & it is healthy. Appreciate every second you get.

12. Everyday is an Opportunity to Better Yourself

And everyday is a lesson learned. Everyday is a blessing & should be treated as such. Apply what you learned yesterday to what you want to do today. Spend today doing something that will make your tomorrow easier & make future you proud.

13. Stop Questioning the Actions of Other

The world is under no obligation to make sense to you & you are under no obligation to make sense to it. So drink your water & mind your own. Stay in your own lane & keep your eyes on your goals. Look forward, that’s where you’re going & know that what other’s think of you – is none of your business.

14. It’s Okay to Let Go

I’ve spent a lot of my life holding on to things that weren’t necessarily the best for me. This ranges from habits to relationships to thought processes. You shouldn’t feel bad for ridding toxic things from your life in order to make room for positive influences.

15. Your Mistakes do not Define You

We are human. We are not perfect, therefore we cannot expect to always make the best decisions. Many times in 2017 I found myself doubting what I could / would do because of my past mistakes. Your past is your past. Reflect on it, learn from it & move forward.

16. You have a Voice

So use it. Stop worrying about being so polite & stop worrying about who you may offend. You have a voice, you have a message. Today people are offended & bothered by almost everything – & that’s not your fault. It’s not that people are too sensitive – it’s that we each have a voice therefore, we are each entitled to using it in order to portray our message.

17. Life is What You Make of It

Everyday we have a choice. Will today be the day that I stay in bed, watch Netflix & eat toaster waffles all day? Idk maybe, if that’s what I damn well please. (This post was not sponsored by Netflix or Eggo.) Or will I wake up at 5 am, make my smoothie, hit the gym, finish my laundry & have dinner going in the crock pot before lunch is prepared. Either way, life is what you make of it. The ups & the downs – the good days & the not so good days, they all are what you make of them. So make your decisions, eat your veggies (or don’t) & roll with it.